September 2013
Invited speaker by Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium- “ The Unintended City- Thoughts on Indian Urbanism” September 27th, 2013.
July 7, 2013 |
Invited Expert Member for the Seminar on “Sustainable New Towns”, by Shanghai Lake Dianshan Newtown Development Co, Ltd, Qingpu, Shanghai, China in the framework of the project Euro-Asian Sustainable Towns (EAST) funded by European Union, July 2013. Presented: “ Learnings from the Past- to Evolve the New Towns”.
June 29, 2013
Key note speaker on the occasion of launching of Institute of Urban Designers, India, AP Center and Urban Design Symposium at Hyderabad. “Urban Design Practices: Indian Scenario”.
June 24, 2013
Invited Expert Speaker by Architect and Engineers Association, Nashik on “Pre- Design Analysis & Conceptual Designs for Ujjain Sinhasta 2016 and Ardh Kumbh Mela, Haridwar”
April 12, 2013
Presented “ Evolving the Tools of Urban Design in India” in the IUDI Urban Design National Education Colloquium and Thesis Seminar, organized by School of Planning and Architecture, Bhopal.
Feb 1, 2013
Invited Speaker for 15th International Conference on Humane Habitat- “Re-inventing Our Metropolises as Sustainable Humane Habitat”, Organised by International Association for Humane Habitat (IAHH), hosted by Rizvi College of Architecture, Mumbai, Feb 1st-3rd, 2013.
Sept 19, 2012
Invited Speaker, Young India Fellowship Programme- an IFRE initiative in collaboration with University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering and Applied Science. Topic: “ The Blind men and the Elephant- some thoughts on Integration and Fragmentation”, N.Delhi.
Sept 4, 2012
Delivered lecture at The Gujarat Institute of Civil Engineers & Architects, Ahmedabad
Mar 30, 2012
Presented and Chaired session in 4th National Urban Design Colloquium, -“Frontiers in Urban Design”, organized by Department of Urban Design, School of Planning & Architecture, New Delhi and Institute of Urban Designers, India, N.Delhi.
Dec 16, 2011
Presented “Shadows and Textures: Explorations in Stone and Regional Identity” in 4th Global Stone Technology Forum, organized by Centre for Development of Stones (CDOS) and FICCI, 15th -16th Dec, 2011, Jaipur.
Oct 20, 2011
Delivered a Lecture- “The Blind Men and the Elephant: Some Thoughts on Integration and Fragmentation” at Department of Architecture, Urbanism and Planning, Katholieke University, Leuven, Belgium as part of Fall 2011 Lecture Series on Cities in Development.
Feb 16-17, 2011
Presented “Between Integration and Fragmentation- Towards the Future City: Learnings from India; in the International Scientific- Practical Symposium, Theme: Contradictions of the Modern City and Methods to Resolve them in Urban- Planning of the Future (Russian and International Experience)”, organized by Irkutsk Administration, Irkutsk State Technical University, Russian Academy of Architecture and Conservation Sciences, The Union of Architects of Russia and International Baikal Winter University of Urban Planning Design, Irkutsk, Russia.
Oct 29-30, 2010
Organised and hosted the 2nd IUDI National Urban Design Thesis Seminar at CEPT.
July 2-4, 2010
Presented “Towards Sustainable Environments: Efforts at CEPT” , 2nd International Consortium for Urban Issues in Asia, held at Fukuoka, Japan, organized by Dept of Architecture and Urban Design, Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu University, Japan.
Jan 21-29, 2010 |
Presented Paper in the UNESCO Chair International Workshop and Symposium 2010 on “Evolving Social Sustainability of Historic Districts” and participated as Tutor in the Workshop, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Dec18-19, 2009
Panelist, National Colloquium on Urban Design Education, held at KRIV, Mumbai by Institute of Urban Designers India and KRIV. Discussant, Kamla Raheja’s Memorial Lecture Series, in the symposium: “Looking East: Emerging Urban Practices in Asian Cities”, organized by KRVIA, Mumbai.
Nov 24-26, 2009 | Attended The 10th International Congress of Asian Planning Schools Association- “Future of Asian Cities” held at CEPT University, Ahmedabad. Rapporteur for the Theme– Maintaining Harmony: Modern and Traditional. |
November 16, 2009
Served as a Panelist, in the symposium “ Crafting India’s Urban Vision” held at IIM Ahmedabad featuring leading Urbanist Enrique Penalosa, organised by IIM, Ahmedabad, The Urban Vision, Bangalore, Centre for Infrastructure Policy and Regulation and Institute for Transportation and Development Policy.
October 10, 2009
Expert Member, National Urban Design Thesis Seminar held at RV College of Architecture, Bangalore, organized by Institute of Urban Designers India and RVCA.
October 7, 2009
Delivered a lecture on “Indian City- The Irreducible Plural Text and the Urban Design Agenda” in Goa College of Architecture, Panjim, Goa.
October 3, 2009
Delivered a lecture on “Blind Men and the Elephant . . . . .” Studio Explorations on Participatory Development in Four Goan Towns, in the IUDI South Zone Conference on “Participatory Urban Development “ organized by Institute of Urban Designers, India at Cochin.
Sept 12-13, 2009
Conducted a Design Workshop- “The Design of the Urban Public Realm Amidst the Spectacle and the Mundane” for Urban Design Program at University School of Design, Mysore.
January 17, 2009
Panelist, National Colloquium on Urban Design Education, held at India Habitat Centre, N. Delhi by Institute of Urban Designers India.
January 4, 2009
Delivered a lecture on “Urban Acupuncture and Flows – Urban Design Strategies for Kolkota Core” in the IUDI East Zone Conference organized by Institute of Urban Designers India.
April- May 2008
Visiting Professor at the School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics, University of Cape Town, South Africa for the Urban Studio. (April 28th – 9th May). |
May 2008
Delivered Public Lecture – “.... On Doors, Passages and Territories: The Urban Public Realm in India”, at The Cape Town Institute of Architects, Urban Design Institute of South Africa, (Western Cape), Cape Town. South Africa.
September 2007
Lectured and Participated in Studio Crits and deliberations with School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics, University of Cape Town, South Africa on Urban Design in India. (Sept 10th -21st).
Delivered Public Lecture at The Cape Town Institute of Architects, Cape Town.
June 2007
Presented paper in plenary session of the International conference –“Emerging South Asian Urban Design Practices & Paradigms” held in Colombo, Sri Lanka, June 7th- 9th, 2007. Chaired sessions and participated in the round table conference. (supported by the EU).
March 2007
Delivered Lecture on Urban Design at BMS College of Engg, main auditorium, Bangalore, hosted by the Indian Institute of Architects, Karnataka, BMS College of Engg, RVCE, UVCE and UDBHAVA, Bangalore.
February 2007
Lectured and participated in deliberations - Asia Link in Urban Design and Sustainable City Development Project, Colombo, Sri Lanka, (supported by EU).
November 2006
Paper accepted as a part of the Panel on “Negotiated Urbanism: The Role of Urban Design in South Asia’s Contested Territories: Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka” for the 22nd Annual University of California Berkeley South Asia Conference, Centre for South Asia Studies, UC, Berkeley, USA. 16th – 17th Feb, 2007.
Attended International symposium “Urban Reports”- on strategies in urban development in six European cities, hosted in Zurich on the 23rd Nov.06 by Institute of Urban Design and MAS Programme in Spatial Planning, NSL - Network City and Landscape, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
October 2006
Lectured and participated in deliberations - Asia Link and Asia Urbs Capacity Building in Urban Design and Sustainable City Development Project – Workshop 2 and Project meetings, Colombo, Sri Lanka (supported by EU).
April 2006
Lectured and participated in deliberations in Asia Link and Asia Urbs International Platform Event on Urban & City Design Development, TU, Eindhoven, The Netherlands and KU, Leuven, Belgium. (supported by EU).
Jan 2006
Lectured and participated in deliberations in Asia Link and Asia Urbs International Platform Event on Urban & City Design Development, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. (supported by EU)
Oct. 2005
Panelist, Workshop on Zero Carbon City: Amdavad – Prospects and Challenges, organized by The British Council and CEPT University.
July 2005
Delivered Lecture on “Indian City – The Irreducible Plural Text” at NED University, Karachi, Pakistan.
Mar.19-24, 2005
Presented paper ‘Simultaneity in the Indian Public Realm” and participated in the deliberations on “What is Urban Design” in Asia Link International Workshop 2 on Urban & City Design Curriculum Development, Leuven, Belgium.
Jan.18–20, 2005
Expert Member and Facilitator, International Workshop on “ Education for a Sustainable Future ”, organized by Centre for Environment Education at Ahmedabad. Session– “Sustainable Urban Settlements”
Jan. 12- 15, 2005
Presented paper “Urban Crisis and Design Education: Urban Design Program at CEPT.” Asia Link International Workshop 1 on Urban & City Design Curriculum Development, Ahmedabad.
October, 2003
Presented a Session “From ‘Dogs to Cats’ – Some Questions on Urban Design “ at Department of Architecture, M.S. University, Vadodara in the short term Training Programme for Teachers in Architecture- Rethinking our Cities: Contemporary Urban Design and Planning Practices.
August, 2003
Panelist, Panel discussion on “Ahmedabad’s Lakes: Issues, Options and Actions, organized by Centre for Environment Education and Ahmedabad Management Association, Ahmedabad.
January 11, 2003
Chief Advisor, Traffic Workshop to evolve Strategies for Junctions and Road Stretches, Ahmedabad, organized by CEPT and Traffic Department, Ahmedabad.
March 16, 2002
Invited to deliver a lecture on “Urban Crisis and Simultaneity” by Forum for Exchange and Excellence in Design (FEED), at the National Film Archives Auditorium, Pune.
October, 2001
Conducted a session `Context and Authenticity – Design Teaching methods and attitudes, Quality Improvement Program for Teachers, Conducted by School of Architecture, C.E.P.T., Ahmedabad.
Sept-Dec., 1999
Visiting Faculty, International Studio on “Engaging the Periphery” for students from University of Washington, Seattle, USA, the University of Michigan, Ann Arbour, USA and from India. Conducted by Vastu-Shilpa Foundation and CEPT, Ahmedabad
January, 1999
Presented our Professional Projects to The Gujarat Institute of Civil Engineers and Architects, Ahmedabad.
Dec.18, 1998
Presented a paper “New Demands – The Nature of Specialization: Urban Design” in The National Workshop on Architectural Education 2000 – 2025, Relevance, Theme and Directions, in Ahmedabad, organised by the Council of Architecture, Indian Institute of Architects (Gujarat Chapter) with School of Architecture, CEPT, Ahmedabad, 18-19th Dec. 1998.
January 16, 1997
Invitee, Workshop on Traffic Management of Ahmedabad City, organised by Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation and Ahmedabad City Police.
April 8, 1996
Invited by Indian Institute of Architects, Tamil Nadu Chapter, to deliver lecture at Anna University, Madras to students, academicians and professionals. Topic: “Designing in Urban Context: Thoughts on Icon Vs. Idea”.
January 5-7, 1996
Team Leader, Street Design Workshop, organised by Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation, C.E.P.T., and EDC at Ahmedabad, conducted by Prof. Allan Jacobs, University of California, Berkeley, USA.
July 1, 1995
Presented own project `Singhi Residence, Jaipur’ in JIIA award ceremony, Mumbai.
September 1995
Invited as team member, Task Force to Formulate Guidelines for Waterfront Developments. IIA National Convention, Panjim, Goa.
November 1985
Awarded STEP grant by International Institute of Education, USA, to attend Forum `85 at New York, USA – “Re-evaluating the Urban Centre” organised by AIAS.
Oct. 23-26, 1985
Attended 7th International Conference on Urban Design, Chicago, USA – “City Limits – Economic Challenge/Urban Design Opportunity”.
October 3-5,1985 | Attended ACSA West Central Regional Conference – “Between Means and Meaning” – a critical examination of the Relationship between the Techniques of Designing and Building and the Values Expressed. School of Architecture, Washington University in St. Louis, USA. |